School Community Councils (SCC’s) improve educational programs and conditions at public schools. Councils operate using the shared governance approach: collaborative, site-based decision making to meet individual school improvement goals. Every public school in Utah has a community council consisting of two elected groups: parents (that’s you!) and teachers/administrators.
The Southland SCC has responsibilities defined both by the Jordan School District and the Utah Legislature. Two of our biggest responsibilities are assisting in the development of School Improvement Plans (SIP’s) and LAND Trust Plans. SCC’s also work on issues brought forth by parents, staff, and faculty.
How can I get involved with the Southland SCC?
• Complete a 2024-2025 SCC Application to become a voting member (completed by the September deadline each year) and attend scheduled meetings OR
• Attend scheduled meetings as a public member (no voting rights)
• Read the minutes
• Become an elected member (elections held at the last meeting of the school year)
School Community Council Meetings
We invite you to attend Southland Elementary SCC meetings to learn about our greatest academic needs, our School Improvement Plan and help in the decision-making process for using LAND Trust funds. At Southland, we also regularly discuss school safety, share District news, get PTO Updates, and talk about other important issues affecting our school. You have a voice and together we can make a positive difference in the education of our children!
Southland SCC Rules of Order and Procedure
Southland's LAND Trust Distribution(s):
2024-2025 School Year: $89,558
2023-2024 School Year: $92,025
2022-2023 School Year: $90,483
2021-2022 School Year: $90,462
2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
- Thursday September 19, 2024-5:30 p.m. (Agenda)
- Thursday November 14, 2024-5:30 p.m. (Agenda)
- Thursday January 16, 2025-5:30 p.m. (Agenda)
- Thursday March 20, 2025-5:30 p.m.
2024-2025 Southland School Community Council Contacts
Garett York | Principal | 801-254-8047 | |
Lay Kou | Faculty Rep. | 801-254-8047 | |
Lara Stout | Faculty Rep. | 801-254-8047 | |
Joshua Harrison | Chair | 801-580-4521 | |
Nate Elkins | Parent Rep. | 801-718-1128 | |
Julia Halliday | Parent Rep. | 801-652-0849 | |
Jennifer Preece | Parent Rep. | 801-875-3334 | |
Patti Harrison | Parent Rep. | 801-792-0538 | |
Copies of previous year's SCC minutes can be found in the main office at Southland Elementary
Southland SCC Minutes March 21, 2024
Southland SCC Minutes January 18, 2024
Southland SCC Minutes November 16, 2023
Southland SCC Minutes October 12, 2023
Southland SCC Minutes March 16, 2023
Southland SCC Minutes January 19, 2023
Southland SCC Minutes November 17, 2022
Southland SCC Minutes September 22, 2022
Southland SCC Minutes March 10, 2022
Southland SCC Minutes January 20, 2022
Southland SCC Minutes November 18, 2021
Southland SCC Minutes September 16, 2021
Southland SCC Minutes March 18, 2021
Southland SCC Minutes January 28, 2021
Southland SCC Minutes November 19, 2020
Southland SCC Minutes September 24, 2020
Southland SCC Minutes March 31, 2020
Southland SCC Minutes January 23, 2020
Southland SCC Minutes September 26, 2019
Southland SCC Minutes May 16, 2019
Southland Elementary Land Trust Plan 2024/2025
Southland Elementary Land Trust Plan 2023/2024
Southland Elementary Land Trust Plan 2022/2023
Southland Elementary Land Trust Plan 2021/2022
Learn more about shared governance and the role of councils here: